After filming hot actress Angeline Yap men for sex

Angeline Yap Internet players are boys for sex after they saw her filming hot meat "Lang Tong". According to published Tuesday yesterday.   Movie at a conference on Tuesday, former Miss Singapore No. 3 has revealed that since then, she gets abuse Many words online.   "I get asked many inappropriate ... They asked me to sleep, and a majority think matters. They said I was a bad girl bad b **** s *** manure degrading and that the future of my children and my husband does not respect me because I play this character. I responded Comment to these, but director Sam Loh told me not to bother with them ... I stopped. " She stated.

27-year-old star added that "everyone has a different perspective, I can not stop what they want to say, but I will not let them do What affected me. I can not oblige everyone. "   Clutch position rich erotic scene in the movie "Lang Tong" Yap told that she does not regret because it's an art film, and it is different from In another district, but she has little concern for parents.   "I told them this role, and they just know when this information appears. They were very angry, but I tried to tell them that it's just a performance art and film. They are old-timers, so less open and still not acceptable, "he said. Actress added.   Yap said later the parents a bit easier, but they told her, 'Do not act like this. However, Yap will continue similar role in the future if the director and she understood that Good story. drama production above her and She was told that they wanted to shoot with her and wanted to record it porn movies.   Film "Lang Tong" premiere at the Singapore International Film Festival in 2014, but some scenes were removed.

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